

Wellness Capital is built based on community betterment. For decades, our main effort has been contributing towards improving the local and neighbouring communities through provision of resources, tools, and knowledge; such as, granting access to local farmers company’s lands, educating them on advanced sustainable agricultural methods, and conducting eco campaigns to increase green spaces amid the proximity. As we transition into the commercial health and wellness sphere, we commit to not only retain but expand our sustainability initiatives to positively affect the lives of the wider society.

Green design and upcycling initiative
All cups, cans and bottles designed with consideration of their lifecycle and initial production process. Raw materials used for all packaging are upcycled from residual wastes of other production lines and are reconstructed in a way that can be easily recycled and repurposed.

Own and local Thai farms partnership
We prioritise our local Thai farmers in the process of sourcing to endorse support of local economy. We also ensure that we diversify our network of sourcing for guaranteed year-round fresh harvests and extend our arms to more than just a few focused communities.

Waste reduction framework
Food and material wastes from production and juicing processes are compiled and re-processed into composts and organic fertilizers to be used in our farms. We aim for further reduction of non-reusable residuals and effective waste management in the coming years.

WCC Eco-week (half-yearly)
Endorse by our CEO, we organise an Eco-week every 6 months where employees are encouraged to participate in community support activities; examples of such include beach cleaning day, educational campaigns for students in rural areas, planting greens, women rights recognition day, and more.